Consumer Behavior of the NCAA Student Athlete

January marks our seventh monthly Gen Z Insights infographic and before developing this month's survey we reached out to our clients asking for what they would like to learn more about Gen Z. The overwhelming response was requesting to know more about the consumer purchasing behavior of this heavily influential generation.

Below are a list of the questions we asked 500 female and 300 male NCAA student athletes from the 98Strong community.

Consumer Behavior of the NCAA Student Athletes:

  • Do you prefer to shop online or in-store?

  • When you shop online, where do you purchase products from?

  • When you shop in-store, where do you purchase products from?

  • Which of these products do you purchase online?

  • Which of these products do you purchase in-store?

What was interesting about the results was finding out what types of purchases the student athletes prefer to purchase online vs. in-store and vice versa.


NCAA Student Athlete Consumer Packaged Goods


New Year, New You w/ Student Athletes