NCAA Student Athlete Consumer Packaged Goods

Wrapping up our two part series on the consumer purchasing behavior of Gen Z - we dove deeper to discover why Gen Z consumers make purchases and how this influential generation commit to new products they discover. 

Below is the list of questions we asked over 300 male and 500 female NCAA Student Athletes from the 98Strong community:

The Why - NCAA Student Athlete Consumer Behavior "Reasoning"
Category of Purchasing - Consumer Packaged Goods

  • When are you more likely to purchase an item online?

  • How does receiving a discount factor into buying something?

  • How do you prefer to try new products?

  • How many times do you see something before you buy it?

  • How much time goes by before you purchase again?

It was fascinating to see what motivates Gen Z consumers to purchase products. More specifically, this data validated our long term conversion campaigns are set up for success with the majority taking 3-5 brand touch points for Gen Z to make a purchase. 


Spring Break For NCAA Student Athletes


Consumer Behavior of the NCAA Student Athlete