Balanced Body

This survey is part one of a two-part series featuring insights on NCAA student athletes approach to mind // body health. To kick things off we present to you the Balanced Body Infographic with feedback from 365 student athletes on the 98Strong Platform. The survey provided details on the following… 

  • How greatly do you prioritize taking care of your body? (scale of 1-10)

  • Do you take vitamins? If so, which ones?

  • How often do you go to treatment?

  • Do you own a cupping set?

  • Do you own a foam roller? If so, which brand?

  • Do you own a massage gun? If so, which brand?

  • Do you own a mobility ball or lacrosse ball? If so, which brand?

  • Do you cook your own meals? If so, where do you shop?

  • Do you eat out? If so, which places?

  • Does your athletic department supply all meals or have a team chef?

  • How many hours a night do you sleep?

The results are definitely surprising with answers highlighting some unique perspectives to featuring the brands currently defining the healthy body landscape within Gen Z.

If you found this survey helpful, let us know, perhaps we can provide dedicated value for your brand or agency with custom insights on what our community of student athletes thinks of your industry, brand, message, products, innovation, culture and more.


Balanced Mind


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