Balanced Mind

As part two of our two-part series "Mind // Body" of the NCAA student athlete, we share with you results from 350 student athlete members of 98Strong community on their approach to mental health in keeping mind top of mind. The survey details the following... 

  • How do you mentally prepare for a game/match?

  • Do you use any meditation apps?

  • How much is your sport mental vs. physical ability?

  • Does your athletic department provide mental health support?

  • Do you have a sports psychologist?

  • How do you best support your mind?

  • How much do you prioritize taking care of your mind?

The results showcase that mental health is taken seriously by student athletes with different practices and approaches to staying sharp for school and sport.

If you found this survey helpful, let us know as we can provide dedicated value for your brand or agency with custom insights on what our community of student athletes thinks of your industry, brand, message, products, innovation, culture and more.


Mind Body Balance


Balanced Body