Gen Z Insights: January 2023

The new year is off to a fast start here at 98Strong and we couldn't be pumped for what 2023 will bring our student athlete community! 

Just like the fresh snow that continues to fall at a rapid pace across the western part of the US, the team at 98Strong has several fresh new faces joining our in-house team to expand on the tremendous results we provided our clients in 2022.

In this month's newsletter we feature the first infographic of a new two-part series on the consumer behavior of NCAA student athletes, breaking down the difference between online and in-store purchasing. Next month we will dig deeper into the reasoning of why NCAA student athletes shop where they do for certain products, services and more.

Other features for January include our Student Athlete Spotlight - Grant House, Arizona State University, Men's Swimming and a case study on our work with Beyond Meat over the course of Q4 last year.

Consumer Behavior Infographic


January marks our seventh monthly Gen Z Insights infographic and before developing this month's survey we reached out to our clients asking for what they would like to learn more about Gen Z. The overwhelming response was requesting to know more about the consumer purchasing behavior of this heavily influential generation.

Below are a list of the questions we asked 500 female and 300 male NCAA student athletes from the 98Strong community.

Consumer Behavior of the NCAA Student Athletes:

  • Do you prefer to shop online or in-store?

  • When you shop online, where do you purchase products from?

  • When you shop in-store, where do you purchase products from?

  • Which of these products do you purchase online?

  • Which of these products do you purchase in-store?

Student Spotlight


Grant House

"Grant is a top swimmer at ASU and active member of our community. He is fast becoming one of our more impressive content creators and has delivered incredible results for brands.

With our co-founder, Andrew Mavis, being a former aquatics student athlete, supporting swimmers like Grant is awesome!

We are excited for him as he continues his relationship with From the Ground Up’s newest brand - You Need This."

ASU: Men's Swimming - @mitochondria_house

Case Study


The goal was to create a deep relationship within the community of the USC campus in downtown LA through content creation (professional and UGC), social media posting, on-campus activations, an exclusive focus group at Beyond Meat HQ, and to drive in-store traffic to Ralph's grocery store in LA.

Beyond Meat came to 98Strong with a unique request of working exclusively with 10 hand-picked student athletes from one university campus (USC) for all of Q4 last year.

Our successful results for Beyond Meat were numerous, including selling out of their campaign featured product at Ralph's in LA.

Looking Ahead


The new year is truly off to a fast start at 98Strong with several key clients from 2022 doubling down on their growth plans with us. As our services continue to provide winning results for our clients, the benchmark I set for success is developing long-term relationships with our clients. And I am proud to share that we already have six clients from last year activating with us to kick off 2023!

So, if we have not connected, let's get a call on the books or better yet let's get a coffee. A top priority for me and our team this year is to meet with more of you in-person to learn about how we can help you achieve - Authentic Gen Z Influence in 2023!

Andrew Mavis
98Strong, co-Founder & CEO


Gen Z Insights: February 2023


Gen Z Insights: December 2022